英:['gɜ:dlɪŋ] 美: ['gɜdlɪŋ]
girdling 基本解释
v.围绕,包围( girdle的现在分词 );
girdle[ 'gə:dliŋ ] encircling or ringlike structurea band of material around the waist that strengthens a skirt or trousers同义词:cincturesashwaistbandwaistcloth
a woman's close-fitting foundation garment同义词:corsetstays
v.cut a girdle around so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients"girdle the plant"
put a girdle on or around同义词:gird
girdling 相关例句
shoulder girdle肩带;肩胛带
pelvic girdle 骨盆带(等于pelvic arch)
- A thick forest girdled the village about.
茂密的森林环抱着那个村庄。 - A thick forest girdled the castle about.
Girdling effect of nonstimulated cardiomyoplasty on left ventricular function ☆The effect of girdling on carbohydrate partitioning in the growing apple fruitTree-girdling to separate root and heterotrophic respiration in two Eucalyptus stands in BrazilLarge-scale forest girdling shows that current photosynthesis drives soil respiration.Tree girdling provides insight on the role of labile carbon in nitrogen partitioning between soil microorganisms and adult European ...Högberg, P., et al . Large-scale forest girdling shows that photosynthesis drives soil respiration. NatureAttraction of the emerald ash borer to ash trees stressed by girdling, herbicide treatment, or woundingThe effects of stem girdling on biogeochemical cycles within a mixed deciduous forest in eastern Tennessee : I. Soil solution chemis...Effects of understory removal and tree girdling on soil microbial community composition and litter decomposition in two Eucalyptus p...Tree root and soil heterotrophic respiration as revealed by girdling of boreal Scots pine forest: extending observations beyond the ...