glass beads 相关例句
Glass beadsSolute Transfer Through Columns of Glass BeadsPlasma-CVD-coated glass beads as photocatalyst for water decontaminationComplex conductivity of water-saturated packs of glass beadsImmobilization of peroxidases on glass beads: An improved alternative for phenol removalDerivatization of controlled pore glass beads for solid phase oligonucleotide synthesisEffect of molecular scale roughness of glass beads on colloidal and bacterial depositionBasaltic magmatism on the Moon: A perspective from volcanic picritic glass beadsPhotocatalytic decomposition of leather dye : Comparative study of TiO 2 supported on alumina and glass beadsBioactive polymethyl methacrylate-based bone cement: comparison of glass beads, apatite- and wollastonite-containing glass-ceramic, ...