英:['glu:kəsæn] 美: ['glukəsæn]
glucosan 基本解释
glucosan 相关例句
A new anhydride of D-glucose: D-glucosan beta.490. The consitution of a glucosan from the fungus Polyporus betulinusCCCCIV.?Polymerisation of ?-glucosan. The constitution of synthetic dextrins1,6-Anhydro-beta-D-glucopyranose (beta-glucosan), a constituent of human urineMechanism of biosynthesis of mycelial glucosan from pentoses by Aspergillus nigerGlucosan controlled biomineralization of SrCO3 complex nanostructures with superhydrophobicity and adsorption propertiesThe conversion of certain soluble sugars to a glucosan by holotrich ciliates in the rumen of sheep.CXCVIII.—The constitution of polysaccharides. Part III. The relationship of l-glucosan to d-glucose and to celluloseLaboratory assessment of three new monitors of blood glucose, AccuChek II, Glucometer II and Glucosan 2000Ergonomics intervention in industries of the industrially developing countries, Case study: Glucosan – Iran