英:[ˌdʒi:em'əʊ] 美: [ˌdʒiem'oʊ]
GMO 基本解释
n.[医][=garamycin ointment]庆大霉素油膏;
A GMO is a genetically modified organism.以上来源于:Wikipedia
GMO 相关例句
GMO : A graph matching for ontologiesGMDD: a database of GMO detection methodsThe economics of non-GMO segregation and identity preservationGlobal Status of Commercialized Transgenic Crops (GMO) : 2003Creating Public Alienation: discourses of risk and ethics on GMO's.Transgenic mosquitoes and the fight against malaria: managing technology push in a turbulent GMO world.Transgenes in Mexican maize: molecular evidence and methodological considerations for GMO detection in landrace populations.Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the genomic DNA extracted from GMO and non-GMO foodstuffs with four different extraction ...Opinion of the Scientific Panel on genetically modified organisms [GMO] on the Post Market Environmental Monitoring (PMEM) of geneti...Discovering Niche Markets: A Comparison of Consumer Willingness to Pay for Local (Colorado Grown), Organic, and GMO-Free Products