gnarr 相关例句
„Meira ímyndunarafl en rökhugsun.“ Greining á pólitískum gjörningi Jóns GnarrOn Happiness and Politics: Jón Gnarr's Best Party (2009–2013)Heimar sem mætast. Um textatengsl í Miðnætursólborginni eftir Jón GnarrJón Gnarr og listaverk hans, Besti flokkurinnMutations of the VHL tumour suppressor gene in renal carcinomaIdentification of the von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor geneGermline mutations in the von Hippel-Lindau disease tumor suppressor gene: correlations with phenotype.Silencing of the VHL tumor-suppressor gene by DNA methylation in renal carcinomaGerm-Line Mutations in Nonsyndromic PheochromocytomaPost-transcriptional regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA by the product of the VHL tumor suppressor gene