gold parity 相关例句
- Despite high inflation in the meantime, many countries restored their pre-war gold parities.
尽管当时有着较高的通货膨胀,许多国家仍然重建他们二战前的黄金平价体系。 - By devaluing against gold, their money also became cheaper against currencies that kept their gold parity, giving domestic producers a cost advantage over many foreign firms.
Gold climates and the evolution of viviparity in reptiles: cold incubation temperatures produce poor-quality offspring in the lizard...
Positive parity pentaquarks in a Goldstone boson exchange model
Purchasing Power Parity under the Gold Standard
Kaon Physics with Light Sgoldstinos and Parity Conservation
Spreading between the Gold and Silver Markets: Is There a Parity?
Dynamical Supersymmetries and the Positive Parity States in the Odd-Gold Isotopes
Uncovering uncovered interest parity during the classical gold standard era, 1888–1905
Transition rates between negative-parity states in odd-mass gold nuclei
Study of the Spin-Parity of a Resonance via the Gold-Plated Decay Mode
Between the Dollar-Sterling Gold Points: Exchange Rates, Parity, and Market Behavior. By Lawrence Officer . Cambridge: Cambridge Uni...