英:['gəʊldstəʊn] 美: ['goʊldˌstoʊn]
goldstone 基本解释
goldstone[ 'ɡəuldstəun ]
n.aventurine spangled densely with fine gold-colored particles
goldstone 相关例句
Is the neutrino a goldstone particle?There are no Goldstone bosons in two dimensionsHiggs as a holographic pseudo-Goldstone bosonTHEORY OF NONABELIAN GOLDSTONE BOSONS IN TWO DIMENSIONSThe Flavor of the Composite Pseudo-Goldstone HiggsAre there real goldstone bosons associated with broken lepton number? ☆Natural inflation with pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosonsCosmology with ultralight pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosonsSpontaneously broken supergauge symmetries and goldstone spinorsTasi 2009 lectures: The Higgs as a Composite Nambu-Goldstone Boson