gowk 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- He sat there all evening like a great gowk.
The Gowk StormHunting the gowk?--Psychiatric community care in Scotland.LATE QUATERNARY SLIP-RATE ON THE GOWK FAULT OF EASTERN IRANDetermining the slip rate on the Gowk fault using POST-IR methodINVESTIGATION OF GOWK FAULT ACTIVITY BY MEANS OF THE RATIO OF VALLEY FLOOR WIDTH TO VALLEY HEIGHTPoetic narrative in Nancy Brysson Morrison’s 'The Gowk Storm'Offset and evolution of the Gowk fault, S.E. Iran: a major intra-continental strike-slip systemHolocene slip-rate on the Gowk strike-slip fault and implications for the distribution of tectonic strain in eastern IranHolocene slip-rate of the Gowk strike-slip fault and implications for constancy of slip-rate on the faults of eastern IranLate Quaternary active faulting and landscape evolution in relation to the Gowk Fault in the South Golbaf Basin, S.E. Iran