Grand Banks 相关例句
- One of its most famous fishing regions, the Grand Banks, is near Newfoundland.
Grand Banks
Was Grand Banks event of 1929 a slump spreading in two directions?
The Grand Banks landslide-generated tsunami of November 18, 1929: preliminary analysis and numerical modeling
On the transport of the gulf stream between cape hatteras and the grand banks
Turbidity currents and submarine slumps, and the 1929 Grand Banks [Newfoundland] earthquake
Landward fining from multiple sources in a sand sheet deposited by the 1929 Grand Banks tsunami, Newfoundland
Large‐scale current‐induced erosion and deposition in the path of the 1929 Grand Banks turbidity current
Distinguishing tsunami from storm deposits in eastern North America : The 1929 Grand Banks Tsunami versus the 1991 Halloween Storm
The sequence of events around the epicentre of the 1929 Grand Banks earthquake: initiation of debris flows and turbidity current inf...
Effects of Experimental Otter Trawling on Surficial Sediment Properties of a Sandy‐Bottom Ecosystem on the Grand Banks of Newfoundl...