grazing 相关例句
grazing land牧场;放牧地
rotational grazing循环放牧
grazing angle入射余角;掠射角;切线角
grazing incidence掠入射;切线入射;临界入射
sheep are grazing羊在吃草
用作名词(n.)- We will talk more about rotational grazing next week.
下周,我们将谈论更多有关循环放牧的内容。 - They made only 40 per cent of their income from grazing.
他们的收入只有百分之四十来自放牧。 - Experts say rotational grazing like this is extremely important for marginal land.
专家指出,像这样循环放牧对边缘土地极其重要。 - Small family groups must make the most of the rich grazing before the summer ends.
小牧民家庭必须赶在夏季结束前尽量在牧草富足的地方放牧。 - There is poor grazing in the hills.
山里有贫瘠的牧场。 - Cultivated hayfields stretch out from the buildings, but farther off are grazing lands.
Livestock Grazing and Wildlife: Developing CompatibilitiesFire and Grazing Regulate Belowground Processes in Tallgrass PrairieGRAZING INTENSITY AND ECOSYSTEM PROCESSES IN A NORTHERN MIXED-GRASS PRAIRIE, USAModulation of Diversity by Grazing and Mowing in Native Tallgrass PrairieFIRE AND GRAZING IMPACTS ON PLANT DIVERSITY AND ALIEN PLANT INVASIONS IN THE SOUTHERN SIERRA NEVADAQuantitative Effects of Grazing on Vegetation and Soils Over a Global Range of EnvironmentsConcurrent effects of fire regime, grazing and bison wallowing on tallgrass prairie vegetationSynthesis Paper: Rotational Grazing on Rangelands: Reconciliation of Perception and Experimental EvidenceRestoring heterogeneity on rangelands: Ecosystem management based onevolutionary grazing patternsAssessment of the rangelands of southwestern Santiago del Estero, Argentina, for grazing management and research.