guck 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- What is this guck on the bottom of my shoe?
Optical deformability as an inherent cell marker for testing malignant transformation and metastatic competenceThe Optical Stretcher: A Novel Laser Tool to Micromanipulate CellsAutomatic format conversion system and publishing methodology for multi-user networkNuclear Architecture of Rod Photoreceptor Cells Adapts to Vision in Mammalian EvolutionSelective multiple protocol transport and dynamic format conversion in a multi-user networkViscoelastic Properties of Individual Glial Cells and Neurons in the CNSMethod for storing/retrieving files of various formats in an object database using a virtual multimedia file systemMuller cells are living optical fibers in the vertebrate retinaOral cancer diagnosis by mechanical phenotypingOptical deformability of soft biological dielectrics.