guest team
英:[ɡest ti:m] 美: [ɡɛst tim]
guest team 相关例句
- The guest team won the game in a breeze.
Welcome from the Guest Editor TeamJournal of agromedicine "Peer Reviewer of the Year"2018: the guest editor team, socio-ecological model dedicated issue.Communication and the Trauma team. (Guest Editorial).Guest Services adds former Redskins exec to management teamTeam Obama Mastered the Science of Mass Persuasion -- And Won (Guest Voice)Team effort is crucial to 2014 success GUEST VOCALS IAN MACLEODSWAT team overkill: in a guest essay, PM's resident law professor argues that overly aggressive tactics and surplus military gear ha...Colubris and i-Hotel Team to Provide Wireless Guest Access for 7,500 Hotel Rooms in CanadaHeels over head: execs turn to air combat for life lessons and thrills - ceo extreme - guest piloting as team-building exerciseWith the Christian Peacemaker Team in Hebron: Settler Assaults Guest of Hebron Peacemaker Team