gustier 相关例句
Ifwindscontinuetogetgustieratthe samerate over the next50years, for example, thedestructive forcesofCategory5hurricaneswouldmultiply.
Development of New Algorithm for controlling of SCARA Robot using Vision based 3D hand gustier RecognitionRevue française de pédagogie, volume 141, 2002. Vers une didactique comparée.Regional and climatic controls on seasonal dust deposition in the southwestern U.SToward Objective, Standardized Intensity Estimates from Surface Wind Speed ObservationsQSAR and pharmacophore studies of telomerase inhibitorsPerception and automatic detection of wind-induced microphone noise.Wind power in the Republic of IrelandDisney's Winter Wonder; DAVID POWELL FINDS PLENTY OF COLD COMFORT AT DISNEYLAND PARISCessna 152, G-BOIRWAVE GROWTH AT SHORT FETCHES