gutsiness 相关例句
Forthewitlessgutsinessofpastpolicies, it should be noted that the currentmajoropposition party, the LiberalDemocraticparty, is verymuchanswerable.
Review of the year. Gutsiness, originality and a willingness to fight for justice were behind many of this year's triumphs in nursingWarning: gutsiness can be habit-formingThe Gloss and Gutsiness of West Cork Chamber Music Festival ; in Bantry, Musical Depth Was Lost in the Cremona Quartet's Approach, W...Failing Law Schools. By Brian Z. Tamanaha. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2012. 216 pp. $25.00 clothVeillette: Flyer 13Making it normal to sell death: two books worth reading.Get Thee to a UniversityGood Girl Seeks Bad Rider: Ellora's CaveGood Girl Seeks Bad RiderDorothy Maud Record (née Tidmas)