guttated 相关例句
Dropsofguttated water are oftenseen at the tipsofgrassesintheearlymorning,whenthelowtemperaturereducestranspiration.
Deleterious Effects of Guttated Fluids on FoliageNeonicotinoid insecticides translocated in guttated droplets of seed-treated maize and wheat: a threat to honeybees?Erratum: Neonicotinoid insecticides translocated in guttated droplets of seed-treated maize and wheat: A threat to honey bees? (Apid...Ametryne metabolite in transpired/guttated water from sugarcane shootDescription of the nest of the Guttated Bower-bird, Chlamydodera guttata, GouldGuttation injuries of plantsRelease of Guttation Fluid from Passive Hydathodes of Intact Barley Plants. II. The Effects of Abscisic Acid and CytokininsOcclusion of water pores prevents guttation in older strawberry leavesEffects of guttation prevention on photosynthesis and transpiration in leaves of Alchemilla mollisStudies on acidification of Anthurium xylem sap.