guzzles 相关例句
- He's always guzzling.
Paint guzzles toxinsMarket Guzzles PabstEthanol Guzzles Gas, Study SaysCapulin MT Guzzles Site Proj For Santa Fe NF-Las Vegas RdMarket Quickly Guzzles $345M of Arizona Water Refunding BondsIran Guzzles Gas at Its Own Cost; Fuel Is Kept Cheap, but Oil-Rich Nation Has Less to Sell AbroadOff by a country mile: Your car probably guzzles more gas than you thinkSingapore to develop world's first tropical data centre that guzzles less energy: YaacobThe human brain guzzles nutrients. The brain contains approximately one trillion cells, of which about 100 billion are neurons, the ...Keep Calm and Kairi On: Panna Is What Makes the Long and Sultry Days of the Indian Summer tolerable. Marisha Karwa guzzles a Few G...