gyrating 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- Gyrate The dancers gyrated wildly to the strong beat of the music.
跳舞者随着音乐的强烈节奏而猛烈地旋转着。 - The dancers gyrated wildly to the strong beat of the music.
Gyrating programmable scanner
Space Quantization in a Gyrating Magnetic Field
Gyrating and intermediate ion distributions upstream from the Earth's bow shock
Gyrating ions and large-amplitude monochromatic MHD waves upstream of the Earth's bow shock
Electro-optical scanning system with gyrating scan head
Observations of gyrating ions in the foot of the nearly perpendicular bow shock
A comparison of specularly reflected gyrating ion orbits with observed shock foot thicknesses
Production of gyrating ions from nonlinear wave–particle interaction upstream from the Earth's bow shock: A case study from Cluster...
Observations of the spatial and temporal structure of field-aligned beam and gyrating ring distributions at the quasi-perpendicular ...
Evolution of ion distributions across the nearly perpendicular bow shock: Specularly and non‐specularly reflected‐gyrating ions