gyres 相关例句
用作不及物动词(vi.)- In the Pacific Ocean is a slowly rotating system of currents called the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.
Material Transport in Oceanic Gyres. Part II: Hierarchy of Stochastic ModelsHomogenization of potential vorticity in planetary gyresLarge-Scale, Low-Frequency Variability in Wind-Driven Ocean GyresPhosphorus cycling in the North and South Atlantic Ocean subtropical gyresInfluence of Florida Current, gyres and wind-driven circulation on transport of larvae and recruitment in the Florida Keys coral reefsAltimeter-derived surface circulation in the large–scale NE Pacific Gyres. : Part 1. seasonal variabilityAn asymmetric model for the nucleosome: a binding site for linker histones inside the DNA gyresThe Turbulent Oscillator: A Mechanism of Low-Frequency Variability of the Wind-Driven Ocean GyresComparison of factors controlling phytoplankton productivity in the NE and NW subarctic Pacific gyresChlorophyll Budgets: Zooplankton Grazing and Phytoplankton Growth in a Temperate Fjord and the Central Pacific Gyres