Halacha 基本解释
n.Talmudic literature that deals with law and with the interpretation of the laws on the Hebrew Scriptures同义词:HalakahHalaka
Halacha 相关例句
halacha :Halacha and Aggada: Translating Robert Cover's Nomos and NarrativeTHE JEW WHO WASN'T THERE: HALACHA AND THE JEWISH WOMANAutopsy: Traditional Jewish laws and customs "Halacha"Das Aposteldekret : Halacha für Heidenchristen oder christliche Rücksichtsname auf jüdische Tabus?Halacha, The ‘Jewish State’ and The Canadian Agunah: Comparative Law at the Intersection of Religious and Secular OrdersJewish Salvational Visions, Utopias, and Attitudes Towards the HalachaKosher medicine and medicalized halacha: An exploration of triadic relations among Israeli rabbis, doctors, and infertility patientsTorah and Wisdom = [Torah Ve-Hokhmah] : Studies in Jewish Philosophy, Kabbalah, and Halacha : Essays in Honor of Arthur HymanProximity to Power and Jewish Sectarian Groups of the Ancient Period: A Review of Lifestyle, Values, and Halacha in the Pharisees, S...