halalas 基本解释
halalas 相关例句
Genetic transformation of select African sweet potato (ipomoea halalas l. Lain.)Cultivars with Weevil resistance genes and evaluatio...Experience of Non-Muslim Consumers on Halal as Third Party Certification Mark in MalaysiaSafety, Healthy, Intact, and Halal as New Indonesia Policy on Food Security and Safety to Support SDG'S: Sustainable Development GoalsE-Halal as Method and Apparatus for Halal Product Detection in MalaysiaHALAL AS ADDED VALUE TO LSP (LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDER): A CASE STUDY OF 100 SME (SMALL MEDIUM ENTERPRISE) AT NORTH REGIONASEAN Economic Community : Halal as New International Trade RegimeHalal as a functional foodEffect of recharging by immersing in water on moisture loss and tissue integrity during short term storage of sweet potato (Ipomoea ...Minimum Cost Casing DesignCombating Halal misconceptions among Muslim and Non-Muslim: The potential use of mobile learning application