half-eaten 相关例句
Sheputdownherfork and stared at her half-eatendinner.
Busytravelersoftendiscardhalf-eatenmealsintotrash cans,addingdozensof tonsof waste that the airportmustpaythe cityto haulaway.
Heshrugged and, with atheatricalgesture,threwahalf-eatensandwichto asquirrel.
Half-EatenHalf-eaten carrot, bent stick: decentralization in an era of fiscal restraintPeople on Facebook are panicking after someone uploaded a disturbing photo of a half-eaten baby dolphinLabyrinth of Half-eaten StarsOvid, Met. VI 664: Flesh half eaten or gobbled up?A half eaten biscuit: Mid study reflections on the feasibility of economically evaluating the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital using a m...Cancer Risks: Less Than Half Eat Five a Day; Denbighshire High for Throat Cancer, Gwynedd for ColorectalFruit Half-eaten by AnimalsMEET AFRICA'S BABY RESCUER; from the Newborn Boy Dumped on a Rubbish Tip and Half Eaten by a Dog to the Children Sold as Voodoo Sacr...Mucumber McGee and the half-eaten hot dog