英:[hæ'mɑ:təmætəs] 美: [hæ'mɑtəmætəs]
hamartomatous 基本解释
hamartomatous 相关例句
Hamartomatous Polyposis11. Testicular Pathology of Hamartomatous Origin.Hamartomatous malformation of the left atrium: a rare cause of recurrent transient ischemic attack.Giant lymph node hyperplasia in angiohamartomatous soft tissues[Polyps of the colorectum: non-neoplastic and non-hamartomatous].A Case of Pedunculated Hamartomatous Inverted Polyp of the Stomach Treated by Endoscopic Polypectomy.[Incomplete differentiation of heart valves (mixo-hamartomatous valvular lesion). Ultrastructural study]囊胞状病変内に早期胃癌を合併した粘膜下腫瘍型hamartomatous inverted polypの1例Sa1698 Efficacy and Safety of Double Balloon Enteroscopy (DBE) for the Management of Hamartomatous Polyposis Syndromes (HPS)Wirtzfeld DA, Petrelli NJ, Rodriguez-Bigas MAHamartomatous polyposis syndrome: molecular genetics, neoplastic risk, and surveillance...