Salmonella georgia
Rainy Night In Georgia (佐治亚的雨夜) - John HoltHoverin' by my suitcaseTryin' to find a warm place to spend the nightHeavy raining fallin'Seems my hear your voice callin'...
Midnight Train to Georgia (开往佐治亚的午夜列车) - Lynn AndersonL A proved too much for the manSo he's leavin' the life he's come to knowHe said he's goin' back to findWhat's lef...
Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院 09 US News 排名:35 学校类型:公立州别/城市:佐治亚州/亚特兰大市 创建时间:1885 学年制度:两学期制师生比: 1:14 本...