harvesting machinery
英:[ˈhɑ:vistiŋ məˈʃi:nəri]
harvesting machinery 基本解释
harvesting machinery 相关例句
Harvesting machineryMachine rates for selected forest harvesting machines.Consequences of injury caused by timber harvesting machines on the growth and decay of spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.)Research situation and development trend on peanut harvesting machineryStone detector for harvesting machinesDetermining Productivity of Mechanized Harvesting MachinesComparative analysis of harvesting machines on an operational high-density short rotation woody crop (SRWC) culture: one-process ver...Soil compaction under timber harvesting machinery: a preliminary report on the role of brash mats in its preventionWounds caused by corn-harvesting machines: an unusual source of infection due to gram-negative bacilliThe evolution of the “harvest machinery”: why capture capacity has continued to expand in Norwegian fisheries