hatcheries 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- I will become a celibate, and join a monastery.
HatcheriesHatcheries and Endangered SalmonDispelling Some Myths about HatcheriesA Simple Growth Model for Salmonids in HatcheriesTechno〢rrogance and Halfway Technologies: Salmon Hatcheries on the Pacific Coast of North AmericaViral and bacterial diseases of marine fish and shellfish in Japanese hatcheries.The milkfish fry shortage in the Philippines and supply from fisheries and hatcheriesAn evaluation of the effects of conservation and fishery enhancement hatcheries on wild populations of salmonThe road to extinction is paved with good intentions: negative association of fish hatcheries with threatened salmonGrowth, Smoltification, and Smolt-to-Adult Return of Spring Chinook Salmon from Hatcheries on the Deschutes River, Oregon