have a bath 相关例句
- Why don't you ever run the water off after you've had a bath?
你洗完澡後为什麽老是不把水放掉? - He'll be having a bath this time tomorrow.
Do scientific objects have a history? Pasteur and whitehead in a bath of lactic acidFeeling Guilty? Have a Bath"I hope you can some day have a bath room": Bowling Green's Sewer SystemA Corpus-based Analysis of the Constructions Have/Take/Get a Bath and Have/Take/Get a Rest in British EnglishEastmond's First Try Shows Bath Have a New Gem[Questionnaires on childhood experiences of the elderly: on Saturday the family went to have a bath][When triplets have a bath]Hip bath for users who have difficulty climbing in/out of a bath comprises a door leaf consisting of two door leaf halves provided w...You don't have to visit a spa for a mud bathMy Wife's Baby Was Breech, but Hospital Staff Told Her to Have a Bath and Paracetamol