hazmat 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The prevention of hazmat accidents and the training of emergency disposal by the American police can be of reference.
Solving the hazmat transport network design problemThe Role Of Pavement Permeability And Satellite Tracking In Abating Risks In Hazmat Road TransportationElectronic emergency response management system with automated rule-based alert notifications and response deploymentPhotocatalytic degradation of model textile dyes in wastewater using ZnO as semiconductor catalystMetallurgical recovery of metals from electronic waste: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 158, 228-256Fluoride in drinking water and its removalPesticide use and application: an Indian scenarioDye removal from wastewater using activated carbon developed from sawdust: adsorption equilibrium and kineticsPhosphate removal from wastewater using red mud.Cr(VI) and Cr(III) removal from aqueous solution by raw and modified lignocellulosic materials: a review