HCI 相关例句
Mapping the landscape of sustainable HCIParticipatory design: the third space in HCIBeyond Fitts' Law: Models for Trajectory-Based HCI TasksRapid ethnography:time deepening strategies for HCI field researchResearch through design as a method for interaction design research in HCIDistributed cognition: towards a new foundation for HCI research. ACM Trans Comput Hum InteractRaloxifene (LY139481 HCI) prevents bone loss and reduces serum cholesterol without causing uterine hypertrophy in ovariectomized rats.Interaction in 4-second bursts:the fragmented nature of attentional resources in mobile HCITowards a standard for pointing device evaluation, perspectives on 27 years of Fitts' law research in HCITowards a standard for pointing device evaluation, perspectives on 27 years of Fitts’ law research in HCI