HDLC 相关例句
PPP in HDLC-like FramingPPP in HDLC-like FramingRfc 1662: ppp in hdlc-like framingBalanced HDLC Procedures: A Performance AnalysisAn HDLC protocol specification and its verification using image protocolsApproximate Expression and Evaluation of Transmission Efficiency of HDLC REJ Protocol on Satellite ChannelStructural organization of the lipoprotein HDLc from atherosclerotic swine. Structural features relating the particle surface and coreOat-derived ??-Glucan Significantly Improves HDLC and Diminishes LDLC and Non-HDL Cholesterol in Overweight Individuals With Mild Hy...Rate and equilibrium constants for binding of apo-E HDLc (a cholesterol-induced lipoprotein) and low density lipoproteins to human f...Substituted 2-[(4-Aminomethyl)phenoxy]-2-methylpropionic Acid PPARα Agonists. 1. Discovery of a Novel Series of Potent HDLc Raising...