hearing aids 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The hearing aids are operated from batteries.
助听器用电池供电。 - A hearing aid helps to overcome defects in hearing.
Hearing aidsEvaluation of an adaptive beamforming method for hearing aidsAssessing the effectiveness of feedback cancellers in hearing aidsBinaural benefits for adults who use hearing aids and cochlear implants in opposite earsAuditory handicap of hearing impairment and the limited benefit of hearing aids.The International Outcome Inventory for Hearing Aids (IOI-HA): psychometric properties of the English version.Comparison of the NAL(R) and Cambridge formulae for the fitting of linear hearing aids.Speech intelligibility of children with cochlear implants, tactile aids, or hearing aids.Osseointegrated titanium implants in the temporal bone. A clinical study on bone-anchored hearing aids.Use of a loudness model for hearing aid fitting. IV. Fitting hearing aids with multi-channel compression so as to restore 'normal' l...