heart-rending 相关例句
用作形容词(adj.)- It makes the heart bleed to hear the violent death of this famous actor.
Heart-RendingHEART RENDINGDisabling the pacemaker: the heart-rending decision every competent patient has a right to make‘A Sad and Heart-Rending Landscape’: Summer 1914 and the Politics of Russia's WoundedA heart-rending true story of financial ruin caused by spiralling Payday loansHeart-rending cases make bad lawsMy James : the heart-rending story of James Bulger by his father"Heart-Rending Ambivalence": Jacques Maritain and the Complexity of Postwar Catholic PhilosemitismWin tickets to "heart-rending"new play about social work post Baby P - The Children's Services BlogA heart-rending account of interpersonal violence.