hedgehopping 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- This advanced battleplane can hedgehop.
The low-altitude wind shear and its influence upon hedgehoppingA Study on Fighting Efficiency of Hedgehopping Air-defense Missile Shooting Cruise MissileResearch on the Trajectory Control of Hedgehopping Upper Armor Attack of a Spinning MissileAn Application of Digital Compass on the Small-hedgehopping Remote Sensing PlatformResearch on Acquisition Probability of a Novel Hedgehopping Terminal Sensitive ProjectileScheme Analysis and Optimization on TVC in the Hedgehopping Upper Armor Attack TrajectoryThe Analysis of a Sudden Attack Flight Performance for H6 (Ding) Aircraft in HedgehoppingNumerical simulation for downwash flow field of small-size unmanned helicopter hedgehoppingNumerical simulation for downwash flow field of large-size plant protection unmanned helicopter hedgehoppingLand surface identification near Yakutsk in eastern Siberia using video images taken from a hedgehopping aircraft