hemiaminal 相关例句
cyclic N-acyl hemiaminal环状N
X-ray observation of a transient hemiaminal trapped in a porous networkChemInform Abstract: Activation of Hemiaminal Ethers by Chiral Broensted Acids for Facile Access to Enantioselective Two‐Carbon Hom...Postsynthetic modification of a metal-organic framework for stabilization of a hemiaminal and ammonia uptakeNew stable reagents for the nucleophilic trifluoromethylation. Part 2: Trifluoromethylation with silylated hemiaminals of trifluoroa...Formation of 1,N2- and N2,3-ethenoguanine from 2-halooxiranes: isotopic labeling studies and isolation of a hemiaminal derivative of...The synthesis and antifungal activity of nitrogen containing hemiaminal ethers of LY303366Tuning Metal Nanostructures in Mesoporous Silica by a Simple Change of Metal Complexes and by Reduction with Grafted Imines and Hemi...Activation of Ammonia by a Si═O Double Bond and Formation of a Unique Pair of Sila-Hemiaminal and Silanoic Amide TautomersChemInform Abstract: Studies of Zoanthamine Alkaloids. Enantiocontrolled Construction of the Tetracyclic Hemi‐Aminal CoreReactivity of Stable Trifluoroacetaldehyde Hemiaminals. 1. An Unexpected Reaction with Enolizable Carbonyl Compounds