heterological 相关例句
heterological literature多元文学
heterological system杂合系统
Anadjectiveiscalledheterologicalifitdoes nothavethepropertyitdenotes.
Theintersectioncontainsthreeaspects:"heterological etymology ", "etymological use in common"and "etymologicalborrowedwords".
The heterological paradoxIS HETEROLOGICAL HETEROLOGICAL'Heterological' and Namely-RidersIsolation, heterological cloning and sequencing of the RPL28 gene in Kluyveromyces lactis.The Heterological Quest: Michel de Certeau's Travel Narratives and the "Other"of Comparative Religious EthicsSpitting Images in Montaigne and Bataille for a Heterological Counterhistory of Sovereignty[Use of guinea pigs to evaluate the efficacy of a heterological immunoglobulin against Bolivian hemorrhagic fever][Association of cytochrome P450 2B4 with molecular chaperones in heterological expression in E coli]Construction and eukaryotic expression of DNA vaccine encoding heterological prostate stem cell antigen for prostate cancerRestoration of nitrate reductase activity in cell mutants (NR-) on the basis of the method of heterological genetic complementation.