high end 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Malaysia's High End TV Armoire On Sales!
马来西亚的高端电视衣橱销售! - Do not use load high utilities to start Windows.
High end microwave technologies in global communicationsRuntime Power Monitoring in High-End Processors: Methodology and Empirical DataRuntime Power Monitoring in High-End Processors: Methodology and Empirical DataEnd-to-end quality of service for high-end applicationsBEE2: A High-End Reconfigurable Computing SystemEnd-to-end quality of service for high-end applicationsBEE2: A High-End Reconfigurable Computing SystemPerformance trends in high-end processorsMercury levels in high-end consumers of fish.Signal processing in high-end hearing aids: state of the art, challenges, and future trends