high fashion 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The new fashion is sweeping the country.
新的流行款式正风靡全国。 - Most of the youth follow the latest fashion.
HIGH FASHIONHigh Fashion!High fashionThe internationalization of the high fashion brand: the case of central LondonThe high price of high-fashion footwear.An exploratory study on the reasons for purchasing imported high fashion apparelsSYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR PROVIDING ENHANCED ACCESS TO HIGH FASHION USING A PORTABLE ELECTRONIC DEVICEInstitutional pressures and isomorphic change in a high-fashion company: the case of Brioni Roman Style, 1945–89The Essence of Style: How the French Invented High Fashion, Fine Food, Chic Cafés, Style, Sophistication and GlamourOn high fashion and low power in anesthesiology research"Style Popularity in High Fashion: Resilience, Replication, and Embeddedness of Cultural Elements"Analyzing High Fashion AcceptanceThe Idea of Africa in European High Fashion: Global Dialogues