high value 相关例句
- Eri-silk yarn is used to manufacture high value silk products.
柞蚕丝被用来制造高附加值的丝绸产品。 - It is true that China imports some grain,but at the same time it also exports some foodstuffs with fairly high added value.
Hot air and freeze-drying of high-value foods: a review.Moving base into high-value integrated solutions: a value stream approachHOT AIR AND FREEZE-DRYING OF HIGH-VALUE FOODS: A REVIEWHigh-value products from microalgae - their development and commercialisation.Implantable stimulator with replenishable, high value capacitive power source and method thereforEngineering cyanobacteria to generate high-value products.High-value renewable energy from prairie grassesHigh-value oils from plants.Potential health-promoting effects of astaxanthin: a high-value carotenoid mostly from microalgae.High-value renewable energy from prairie grasses, Environ Sci Technol 36, 2122-2129