high-water 相关例句
high cl-water sample高氯水样
high ground-water level高潜水位
high pressure-water channeled system高压引水系统
high-pressured water高压水
high-arsenic water高砷水
high-water material高水充填材料
Revetment high-water高水位护岸
high-water platform[地质]高潮台地
maximum high-water 最高水位 ; 翻译
High-water-content mouldable hydrogels by mixing clay and a dendritic molecular binder.High-Water Marks and Hedge Fund Management ContractsHigh-Water Marks and Hedge Fund Management ContractsMorphological and Growth Characteristic of Low- and High-Water Use Kentucky Bluegrass CultivarsEvaluation of Discriminant Analysis in Identification of Low- and High-Water Use Kentucky Bluegrass CultivarsDetermination of pesticides in high-water-content samples by off-line supercritical fluid extraction–gas chromatography–electron-c...High-Temperature Stability of SiC-Based Composites in High-Water-Vapor-Pressure EnvironmentsHigh-water containing glassesGasoline vapor transport through a high-water-content soilSalt intrusion model for high-water slack, low-water slack, and mean tide on spread sheet