Hippe 相关例句
Hippe Bill名称
Alan Hippe 艾伦·希佩 ; 财务长希普 ; 西普 ; 任命艾伦
Bill Hippe标签
Hippe Tom名称
Michael Hippe姓名
Tom Hippe标签
Hippe Lynn M名称
Mikkel Hippe Brun布鲁恩
Lynn M Hippe标签
ThyssenKrupp slid 3.3 percent to30.67eurosafterHippequitGermany'slargeststeelmaker,three years before his contractto scheduled to end.
Also in Switzerland, drugmakerRocheHolding AG /quotes/comstock/06p!rog (CH:ROG 139.00, +1.60, +1.16%) rose 1.1% after the companyappointedAlanHippeasits newchieffinancialofficer.
The phylogeny of the genus Clostridium: proposal of five new genera and eleven new species combinations.IL-25 augments type 2 immune responses by enhancing the expansion and functions of TSLP-DC–activated Th2 memory cellsPhylogenetic analysis of the genus Desulfotomaculum: evidence for the misclassification of Desulfotomaculum guttoideum and descripti...The Phylogeny of the Genus Clostridium - Proposal of 5 New Genera and 11 New Species CombinationsPSEUDOBUTYRIVIBRIO RUMINIS GEN NOV, SP NOV, A BUTYRATE-PRODUCING BACTERIUM FROM THE RUMEN THAT CLOSELY RESEMBLES BUTYRIVIBRIO FIBRIS...Degradation of various amine compounds by mesophilic clostridiaSmoking and risk of myocardial infarction in women and men: longitudinal population studyIndirubin derivatives inhibit Stat3 signaling and induce apoptosis in human cancer cells.Nam, S. et al. Indirubin derivatives inhibit Stat3 signaling and induce apoptosis in human cancer cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA ...16S rDNA diversity of cultured and uncultured prokaryotes of a mat sample from Lake Fryxell, McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica.