hippos 相关例句
- Let's see? There're hippos, tigers, lions, ostriches, peacocks, camels, donkeys, wolves, foxes, deer ...
Herding Hippos: regulating growth in flies and manHow size is controlled: from Hippos to Yorkies.In Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos: Status Survey and Action PlanMobile‐banking: can elephants and hippos tango?Insular dwarfism in hippos and a model for brain size reduction in Homo floresiensis.Morphological support for a close relationship between hippos and whalesMorphological support for a close relationship between hippos and whalesEcologia das comunidades de metazoários parasitos, do xaréu, Caranx hippos (Linnaeus) e do xerelete, Caranx latus Agassiz (Osteich...The auditory response properties of single-on and double-on responders in the inferior colliculus of the leaf-nosed bat, Hipposidero...A new genus and species of philometrid (Nematoda) from the subcutaneous tissue of the crevalle jack, Caranx hippos (Osteichthyes), f...