hocusses 相关例句
用作动词(v.)- With only these few words, you can't intend to hocus me.
Abolitionism unveiled! hypocrisy unmasked! and knavery scourged! luminously portraying the formal hocusses, whining philanthropists,...General-Purpose Systems for Effective Construction SimulationThe discrete logarithm modulo a composite hides 0(n) BitsControl constructs: Do they mediate the relation between educational attainment and health behaviour?Comportamiento antisocial en menores: Riesgo social y trayectoria natural de desarrolloPopular song and popular grammar, poetry and metalanguageGrado de competencia social y comportamientos antisociales, delictivos y no delictivos en adolescentesAutomatic Componential Analysis of Kinship Semantics with a Proposed Structural Solution to the Problem of Multiple ModelsPercepción de control y respuestas cardiovascularesThe Communist Party and the Woman Question, 1922-1929