Hogh 相关例句
A community study of clinical traits and risk factors for human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus infection during the...Different Molecular Events Result in Low Protein Levels of Mannan-Binding Lectin in Populations from Southeast Africa and South Amer...Bullying at work, health outcomes, and physiological stress response.A randomized trial of mailed questionnaires versus telephone interviews: Response patterns in a surveyCoping with bullying in the workplaceThe differing impact of chloroquine and pyrimethamine/sulfadoxine upon the infectivity of malaria species to the mosquito vector.The Matola malaria project: a temporal and spatial study of malaria transmission and disease in a suburban area of Maputo, Mozambique.SERVICE APPARATUS FOR A TRANSPORTATION MEANSActs of offensive behaviour and risk of long-term sickness absence in the Danish elder-care services: a prospective analysis of regi...Below-ground nitrogen transfer between different grassland species: Directquantification by N-15 leaf feeding compared with indirect...