hold your horses 相关例句
- Hold your horses! We don't have to rush to the shop now. It's open till late tonight.
HOLD YOUR HORSES . . .Hold Your HorsesHold your horses!Science standardsSupporting Online MaterialHold your horses: Impulsivity, deep brain stimulation, and medication in Parkinsonism.Hold your horses: a dynamic computational role for the subthalamic nucleus in decision making.Hold your horses: a dynamic computational role for the subthalamic nucleus in decision makingHold your horses: How exposure to different items influences infant categorizationHold Your Horses: ImpulsivityHold your horses: A comparison of human laryngomalacia with analogous equine airway pathology.Hold Your Horses: Peyton Manning's early struggles are not unfixableHold Your Horses: A techno-anthropological research on big data in health research