holeless 相关例句
holeless and covered无孔带盖
single round holeless flange无孔圆单法兰盘
holeless nd covered无孔带盖
Holeless window blindBOMBYX MORI DNA INDUCED THE HOLELESS COCOON IN ATTACUS CYNTHIA RICINIMedical holeless buried lead suture needleCompany Offers "Holeless"ElevatorVia-hole-less planar microstrip-to-waveguide transition in millimeter-wave bandThrough-hole less microstrip line to waveguide transition with quarter-wavelength open stubsHole-less editable binding systemVia-Hole Less Broadband Conductor-Backed Coplanar Waveguide to Coupled Microstrip TransitionBurr hole-less ultrasonic craniotomy: technical note and initial experienceVia-Hole Less Broadband Grounded Coplanar to Coupled Microstrip Transition for up to 40 GHz