Holliday 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- I am not working in Maoming but almost back during every holliday.
The structure of the holliday junction, and its resolutionHolliday Junctions Accumulate in Replication Mutants via a RecA Homolog-Independent MechanismMus81-Eme1 Are Essential Components of a Holliday Junction ResolvaseIdentification of double Holliday junctions as intermediates in meiotic recombination.Designed Two-Dimensional DNA Holliday Junction Arrays Visualized by Atomic Force MicroscopyHuman SLX4 is a Holliday junction resolvase subunit that binds multiple DNA repair/recombination endonucleases.Mammalian BTBD12/SLX4 assembles a Holliday junction resolvase and is required for DNA repair.The Bloom's syndrome gene product promotes branch migration of Holliday junctionsWerner’s syndrome protein (WRN) migrates Holliday junctions and co-localizes with RPA upon replication arrestThe single-end invasion: an asymmetric intermediate at the double-strand break to double-holliday junction transition of meiotic rec...