hols 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Our hols had been canceled.Because the office will not be power cut.
Lactobacillus plantarum promotes Drosophila systemic growth by modulating hormonal signals through TOR-dependent nutrient sensing.The extracellular biology of the lactobacilliThe biosynthesis and functionality of the cell-wall of lactic acid bacteriaThe biosynthesis and functionality of the cell-wall of lactic acid bacteriaUse of the alr gene as a food-grade selection marker in lactic acid bacteria.New insights in the molecular biology and physiology of Streptococcus thermophilus revealed by comparative genomicsDetection, localization, and conformational analysis of single polysaccharide molecules on live bacteriaA simple hydrodynamic model for the liquid circulation velocity in a full-scale two- and three-phase internal airlift reactor operat...Lactococcus lactis as a cell factory for high-level diacetyl productionLactobacillus plantarum ldhL gene: overexpression and deletion.