Holy Freeze 相关例句
Attacks, Bush's influence brought decision to freeze Holy Land's assets.(The Dallas Morning News)Freezing Eggs for Mr. RightSurvival rates of in vitro produced bovine embryos cryopreserved by controlled slow-freezing, fast-freezing and vitrificationFermented milks: a historical food with modern applications--a review.Cell-Penetrating Penta-Peptides (CPP5s): Measurement of Cell Entry and Protein-Transduction ActivityMulti-Composite Bioactive Osteogenic Sponges Featuring Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Platelet-Rich Plasma, Nanoporous Silicon Enclosures, ...FLUPIRTIN INJECTABLE GALENIC FORMEnantiomerically pure β-di-dioxolane-nucleosides with selective anti-hepatitis B virus activityTrophic transfer of brevetoxins to the benthic macrofaunal community during a bloom of the harmful dinoflagellate Karenia brevis in...Synthesis of a highly water-soluble derivative of amphotericin B with attenuated proinflammatory activity.