home-brew 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- Some of these home brews have a kick like a mule.
Home brewHOME BREWHome Brew"Home-brew"FISH assay shows higher efficiency than BCR-ABL dual color, dual fusion probe in detecting microdeletions and complex re...Engineered yeast paves way for home-brew heroinDrugs: Regulate 'home-brew' opiates.Home-Brew IPod Ad Opens EyesA home-brew real-time PCR assay for reliable detection and quantification of mature miR-122A Home-brew Real-time PCR Assay for Reliable Detection and Quantification of Mature miR-122: ErratumDrugs: Regulate 'home-brew' opiatesOptimizing detection of RET and PPARg rearrangements in thyroid neoplastic cells using a home-brew tetracolor probeHome-brew deviceHome-brew device