英:[həʊ'mɒləsən] 美: [hoʊ'mɒləsən]
homolosine 基本解释
homolosine 相关例句
HomolosineGoode Homolosine Projection[R-sig-Geo] Interrupted Goode Homolosine forest data[R-sig-Geo] Interrupted Goode Homolosine forest data[R-sig-Geo] projectRaster() to Goode Homolosine[R-sig-Geo] projectRaster() to Goode HomolosineTHE HOMOLOSINE PROJECTION: A NEW DEVICE FOR PORTRAYING THE EARTH'S SURFACE ENTIREThe World on Goode''s Homolosine Projection, Interrupted for the ContinentsSimulating the Interrupted Goode Homolosine Projection With ArcInfoMapping raster imagery to the Interrupted Goode Homolosine projection