Hont 相关例句
Istvan Hont伊什特万·洪特
Wealth and virtue : the shaping of political economy in the Scottish enlightenmentMillion-fold activation of the [Fe2(μ-O)2] diamond core for C-H bond cleavageA Synthetic Precedent for the$[{\rm Fe}^{{\rm IV}}{}_{2}(\mu \text{-}{\rm O})_{2}]$Diamond Core Proposed for Methane Monooxygenase I...Jealousy of trade : international competition and the nation-state in historical perspectiveDirect Spectroscopic Observation of Large Quenching of First-Order Orbital Angular Momentum with Bending in Monomeric, Two-Coordinat...The Permanent Crisis of a Divided Mankind: ‘Contemporary Crisis of the Nation State’ in Historical PerspectiveWealth and Virtue: Needs and justice in the Wealth of Nations: an introductory essayProcess for producing a protected heat-mode recording materialThe genome of Theobroma cacaoCharacterisation of the double genome structure of modern sugarcane cultivars (Saccharum spp.) by molecular cytogenetics.